I would like to thank Allie for this song I heard on her blog.
Like I have said many times before when I am in pain, happy, sad, mad, etc. I turn to music for comfort. Music always seems to have the answers and the words to comfort me. Recently I have felt completely worthless yet priceless, stupid and wrong, but glorious and genius, feeling like I have made the right choice while being sick to my stomach over the decision made, and so on. Music has helped me feel at peace in the midst of all the turmoil inside of me.
Moving on is never easy, and no one ever said it would be. But when it comes down to it, having the courage to move on is key. God sent us here to have trials, to make us stronger and more educated. At this time in my life, I feel like I have learned so much, and even though I may be weak I feel stronger than I ever have been before. I know that I will only continue to grow and become stronger. As sad as I am to put the past behind me I know it must be done. I will be ok, my heart will mend, and I will find my prince charming one day. And hopefully one day he will be able to move on and find another woman to fall in love with. Because as much as he could have been happy with me, I never could have been truly happy with him.
"The dog days are over.The dog days are done. The horses are coming. So you better run.....Leave all your loving, your longing behind. You can't carry it with you, if you want to survive."
So I am on the run again. Leaving all the pain, loving, and longing behind.
Love you LInds!