Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My apologies? But not quite....

haha! I have to admit it. I would be a fool if I didn't. Because reading through all my old post I have realized they go in a circle. I decide I like a boy things are good for awhile I turn to hate him and all men then become sad and give up on dating then the next day I meet a new boy and so the pattern continues. As much as I want to give up on dating even just for a few short weeks, it seems impossible...I enjoy the company of men far too much. And my dear friend Benjamin thinks I am ready to get married? ha! I can hardly stand a man for much longer than a few weeks, how would I possibly be able to stand one for eternity?!

Also, I apologize for all those of you who read my blog and all you ever read about is my dating life. But truly its the most exciting thing about my life. I mean who wants to read that I have decided on a life plan and will be done with school next May? no one. Its boring and totally expected. Not to mention I do this blog more of as a journal than anything...for some reason it's easier for me to write on a blog than to write on pages in a journal. The hard part is I don't include names on here for fear the person I am talking about will one day read it, and going back even a few short weeks I have no idea what man I was talking about...yes this is true. I just go through them so quickly I have to forget about the old ones in order to make room for the new ones. sad, but so very true.

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