Thursday, May 5, 2011

Toast with a side of drama

It is stories such as this that make me miss my dear Kasidy and Sydnie. Why you ask? Because they are accepting people, they understand people make mistakes and to love them for who they are. They are never fake. Much unlike two people who are the complete opposite. I had a very long conversation about this with a dear friend, and we decided this happens much too often in our church. People think that they are perfect and therefore can judge others for their downfalls, when the fact is that we all have downfalls, no one is perfect. While some have struggles paying their tithing or making it through all 3 hours of church, others have struggles with bigger demons like drinking or drugs. Yes although the severity maybe a little different everyone's trials are different and we shouldn't judge someone for the trials they are going thru, but instead lend a hand. We are all just trying to make it back to our Heavenly Father, there are some who have lost sight of that and we need to be there to help them when they fall and be an example to them by the way we live. These two people, whose names will remain unmentioned, are not my friends and never will be. They never showed qualities a friend would have, and they never cared. So I will leave them in my book as two people I lived with once, but never really knew because I cannot believe anything that was said or happened was real. But I am grateful for this experience because it makes me cherish the few good girl friends I have. To all my dear girl friends, I love you and have so much to thank you all for! :)

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