Friday, June 3, 2011


It is people such as this father, and this mother who make me want to be a better person. To make me want to be an amazing parent one day, who no matter what will do anything for my children. Who will teach them of Christ and the love He has for them. I am so thankful for the amazing people like this there are in the world. For the amazing example they are. They set the bar that I am striving to reach and even surpass. I would be ever so grateful if I ever am able to be an amazing parent such as these two amazing people.
Also, I love this gospel for the peace and the strength that it brings unto me. For the knowledge that I ALWAYS have someone to turn to, no matter what I am going through. I also am grateful for peaceful music and for the spirit that it brings unto me. especially this song. Mindy Gledhill just has an amazing voice and some amazing lyrics.

1 comment:

  1. You ARE and AMAZING person and you WILL be and AMAZING mother! I just know it!
