Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The prayer of my heart.

I have faith in many things. But when it comes to men my faith diminishes, and actually may have been completely non-existent. That has never stopped me from praying daily that I would find a man who treats me right, one who honors and respects me. But honestly, I never thought that it would happen. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I had absolutely no faith in the opposite sex, I have the faith in Heavenly Father and knew down deep that some how He would just make things work. But I honestly had no faith that I would ever live my fairy tale. I am still not so sure I ever will. But I have so very much more faith in the male species. I just figured out I shouldn't date a man from Utah. I need to date a man who was raised else where and is only transplanted here. Now, there has been one exception in my life with an out-of-state man, where he was a complete jerk...but that's another story. Ok....now is where I keep my mouth shut for fear of revealing too much but say, I have met a man who defies everything I have ever know about men and treats me different than any other man before him. and yep. that's all you get. ha ha.

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