Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In the heat of the moment.

Sometimes when you are mad you say things you either don't mean or know not to say. Sometimes in the heat of the moment you don't think and just jump to conclusions. It's a normal human reaction to be defensive instead of being hurt. I know on more than one occasion I have said things I don't mean to say, or what I do say gets jumbled up and turned into something that I did not intend. At any rate, I feel bad. I never mean to hurt anyone by the things I say, sometimes I just don't think before I speak. It's a problem I am working on, to gain some sort of filter. But I can't remedy the situation if I cannot talk about what's going on and figure out how to make things better. I must apologize to all those of you I have hurt with my words, I never intended to do such things.

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