Monday, January 30, 2012

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde

Often times you can see a beautiful person, talk with them and even go out with them a couple times and have this glorified version of who they are. Then when you meet them 3 years later and they are still single you think you have hit the jack-pot. Because your own Mr. Dreamy is now interested in you, what could be better right? This is a real conversation word for word as to why every my Mr. Dreamy is not dreamy at all but in fact a jerk, just looking for a piece.

Mr. Dreamy: "If I wanted to kiss would you" (don't get confused cuz he can't use punctuation, he is asking if I would kiss him if he wanted to kiss me, real romantic I know)

Me: "I've got a 3 date rule prince charming."

Mr. Dreamy: "haha ok"

Me: "So you've got three dates to think about planning before you can think about kissing."

Mr. Dreamy: "Yayaya. You are not rebellious then." (We were talking about me being a rebel cuz I didn't go to a church fireside.)

Me: ";)" (Yes this was a conversation through text because why would I be cool enough to talk to face to face for any man) (ok...that was very sarcastic and a bit un-true, there is one man who is man enough to talk to me face to face.)

Mr. Dreamy: "See"

Me:"There was a time when I would have jumped at the chance. But older wiser Lindsey knows better. There's a difference between a man wanting you and wanting a piece of you. I'm not saying you are that way, I'm just much more careful than I used to be."

........and nothing no response. Yep, I called him out and he got offended. I am not about to waste time on a man, no matter how great I thought he was(because he obviously wasn't), if he doesn't think I am worth getting to know. Especially if that means blowing off the actual man of my dreams who is right in front of me. I am just irked that he thought it was ok to act like that. I don't care who you are, no man should ever treat a woman like that. So, here is to Mr. Dreamy being anything but dreamy, but in fact a man who just wants a piece. And people wonder why I am so cynical towards members of the opposite sex at times...when you get treated like an object and not a person you tend to react poorly.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo TRUE! YOU GO GIRL! You are a person. You are important. You are special! I love ya linds!
