Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Missing my Bestie :(

I really miss my best friend. I need her to come back from Kansas. I really just need to talk to her, about everything. I feel like the worst friend because I haven't written her in two months, but it kinda just breaks me heart every time I think about it. Because I just want to call her on the telephone tell her to come over and talk to her. (There is no way I could have ever waited for a missionary, it would have destroyed me! Although, maybe it's worse when it's your best friend that's gone.) She is the person I tell everything to, the person who knows what I am thinking even before I say it. The person who offers me the best advice. (We used to joke that all we really needed was male versions of each other and we would be set, how true it still is.) Right now I really just need her advice. To work out, make dinner and eat ice cream together. This is horrible, but I just want her to come home. There is no way I can last another 10 months without her!

*I should clarify this post and the previous post are about two completely different people.*

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