Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beauty day #1

Ok, so here it is. I am officially gonna stick to this! Today's beauty, even though the day is yet to be over...SUNSHINE! somewhat decent weather. getting a 14 out of 15 on my psych quiz! speaking up in English and sharing my thoughts with my group of 12 men(I did shake from nerves tho...) walking home with a amazing person! Having an amazing mommy who always listens to me and shares amazing advice! and looking forward to spending the weekend with my family! oh. and I don't try to be a vain person, but I do feel that I look good today, which makes me feel good about myself! :) and I love the power music has, that it is able to take my mood from drabby to fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!
    And just so you know, I ham here to talk if you ever need it.
